I have unbinded a CMS collection,- and only need to bound the image - but can't figure it out

I have unbinded a CMS collection, and then bound it with the new collection and it has gone fine,

  • But, I only need one thing to connect, and that is the image.
    I’ve tried and tried, - but can’t figure it out.
    And I understand that this is a bit difficult
    This is the collection I have copied: Bókamerkir
  • to a new collection, unbind it and bind it with a new one. Everything works perfect except the image.
    This is what I can’t figure out: Files | Adobe
    The new collection only has these settings for images. It has not the same settings as I have copied? Why? : Files | Adobe

Here is my sharelink: Webflow - Samkoman Mizpa

Thank you so much for helping me :grinning:

I’m not sure if I understood clearly but I’m assuming you have issue connecting to a new CMS Collection?

Once you unbind the Collection List, image element will loose the image and have a placeholder image. So if you want image to appear there you have to have image on your CMS Collection data.

Like on the CMS Collection named Lita bókamerkirs have image field Mynd

Let me know if it helps.

Hi @abirana !
Thank you so much for your reply! :grinning:

  • Of course I have unbind all the Collection List. But as you see, - - I can’t find out to do this: Files | Adobe
    (something with “conect to data”??
    Because on the new binding is this showing up: Files | Adobe

So you mean you are not sure how to connect to CMS data?

There is a purple icon on the top left, click on that and you can connect to the CMS image. But as I mentioned earlier your CMS collection should have image on them.

sorry, - I wil do a new video … :grinning:

Hi again @abirana ! :grinning:
Here is a video, where I expain my problem: Collection Image Issue | Loom

That is what I mentioned above, to connect it to a new data click on that purple dot on the top left and then you can see the data that you can connect, click on it and it will get connected.

Check the screenshots

Thank you so much! That was my problem.
Now it is solved :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Always happy to help.

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