How to protect a staging area/ QA site?

I now have two sites, on on the and another on my main domain. I use the as the staging area. There is no way to separately protect my staging area. Whenever I make changes to stagging it is open for the world to view. If I password protects stagging, it password protects both domains. This makes webflows non-production ready.

Is someone using some type of workaround to this problem that I am unaware of? Even if I duplicate all pages to a password protected folder I still have two sites that are duplicates and both are published for the world to see. For a good product, this is extremely ugly. This also hurt the SEO of any site to have two duplicate sites. This is a huge issue if there is no way to correct it.


The workaround is password-protect the staging but DO NOT publish to production domain.

Also, you’ll need to coordinate with collaborators to temporarily halt publishing until you have completed the changes and removed password protection.

@samliew there is an option to password protect the project however, that password protects both staging and production. and production domain. I guess you are implying I password protect the whole project but only publish to staging when password protection is set for the whole project. Then go back an disable password protection on the whole project when I am ready to publish to production. Publish to production and then once again go in and password protects the whole project. Then publish to only. Is that correct?

Yes. See these

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