How to place a citation (div) in running text (p)?

Hey, I’m trying to work out how to create the orange square seen on the image attached. It’s supposed to be in a running paragraph of text. When rolled over it will show another div with text and link. Love any ideas on how to approach this. Thanks! :smile:

I would probably do this with tooltips. See Tooltipster - The jQuery Tooltip Plugin (

Thanks @webdev taking a look now.

How would you do about adding a

inside of

in webflow? Would you break the

up or use some other magic?

Here is an article I posted that should get you going. Tooltips for Webflow Sites - The Easy Custom Code Way - WF How

Thanks @webdev super helpful :slight_smile:

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You should definitely use Font Awesome and then style it with Span. I created a tutorial for you. I hope it helps:

Custom fields

Feel free to ask me if anything.

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