How to open the pop-up modal in Blog link (CMS rich text)?

Hey there,

How to open the pop-up modal when clicking the link in our blog post? Which is inside the CMS Rich text field?

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Hi @iam_mullan, I just now found a solid answer for your question. Sharing now incase anyone else comes along with a similar question.

This solution combines the native Webflow tabs component with MemberScript #31 to create an easy-to-use modal with tons of benefits.


:white_check_mark: Open any modal with a link. Try it
:white_check_mark: Easy to design & hide.
:white_check_mark: Multiple per page.
:white_check_mark: No Webflow Interactions.
:white_check_mark: Works with Webflow CMS.
:white_check_mark: Works with Rich Text elements.

Here’s a link to the cloneable project.

Here’s the tutorial video:

I hope this helps!

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