After starting to get an increasing amount of spam, I decided to add reCAPTCHA to my form. I ran across this thread, which helped, but apparently not enough. I’ve added the pertinent entries, and the reCAPTCHA box shows up in the Designer, but not when I upload the files to the server.
Here’s the form HTML -
And here’s the formmail.php entry - (with a fake Secret Key )
/* Help: REQUIRE_CAPTCHA Setting/
$REQUIRE_CAPTCHA = “”; / set to a message string if your forms */
// must provide a CAPTCHA string
we generally can never help anyone troubleshoot their form without having a read only access to the designer. I usually won’t troubleshoot the actual form since it is too time consuming. That said when I’ve had issues in the past I couldn’t solve I usually just pay the 10 bucks or whatever it is and have the tectonic wizard build my form.php then I tweak it a little from there and it usually works.
First, you should submit a read-only link so someone can troubleshoot this more easily Posting Guidelines for the General Category. Second, the form submit page should be on https which is why you are getting those security errors. The final error indicates you are not actually on the correct url when you submit the form. You should end up on a predetermined url page once the form is submitted for example on my form it is thankyou.html whereby I have language that the form is received and we’ll respond soon as possible. If you follow the instructions exactly the form will work.
Ok. Not I got the security errors off! There was something old stuff left in embed div.
Now it shows the last error - but I got the success and failure pages…?
these are not a real domain. Short of that, not sure what is the problem. Occasionally I’ve had an issue trying to get it to work I couldn’t solve. But when I go to and pay the small fee to use the wizard and build it that way I’ve been able to make it work. Just a thought.
form should work then. Not seeing anything else that is a problem. Can only troubleshoot so far without being able to actually manipulate the code. Only thing I can suggest is to use the wizard on