How to get sitelinks in Google?

Is there any SEO practitioner know the most efficient way to get sitelinks in Goolge?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hey @jenn, unfortunately, there is no way for you to directly enable/control sitelinks. They are handled automatically by Google.

However, there are some best practices that you can follow to give your site the best possible chance of getting sitelinks. See this page by Google for more information -

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There are no fixed steps that you can follow to get Sitelinks on your website, but you can follow the best practices to increase your chances of getting Sitelinks.
Few of them are:
Make sure that your website’s name is unique
Add structured data to your Website
Ensure your website’s structure and navigation is crystal clear
Add a sitemap.xml file to your Google Search Console account

As per Google norms, if more people visit the site, it will be shown in the Google search results. Follow the below-mentioned steps to improve the way your site links.

  • Submitting an XML sitemap
  • Raising visits to your page
  • User-friendly Page
  • Improve page load times

@jenn Sitelinks are autogenerated by Google.

To assist in that creation, you can follow the best practices laid out from the other commenters, and you can add scheme to your page(s)

See this forum topic to understand schema
Search for the structured data code from Google

Hope this helps answer your question!