So I put a Vimeo video into the Rich Text Element through the CMS. The video is a horizontal video and the user needs to scroll to eternity to be able to see the whole frame. I want to decrease its height so the user would be able to see the whole video without scrolling. I think Webflow resizes the video by its width and don’t care about height, which makes much more sense when it comes to video.
So, I couldn’t resize it and now I am helpless. Does anyone know how to fix it? I appreciate it.
The video I am talking about is under the “Results” section, called hmj-final.
I took a look and if you go into your collection item and down to the rich text block where you first inserted the video, you can change the size. Just click on the video in your collection and a bar will appear above it with a few different icons. On the right side of the bar you’ll see a little wrench icon, click on that. A larger box then appears with two tabs at the top, one is size, click on that. From hear you can change the size to custom and adjust based on %).
Go into your CMS template page and unbind the rich text field from the cms field (it reverts to the default text stuff). Then add a video right into the default stuff. You can now style the video as you want, and it’ll remember it when you rebind the rich text field