How to customise menu link when page is being visited?

Hello, I want to customise my menu links for when the designated page is being visited. I have tried to customise the ‘visited’ state on the menu links but it doesn’t seem to work.

Am I doing something wrong?

Here is my site Read-Only:

Hi @zachdinge, thanks for your post.

I took a look at the About link on the home page, I am not seeing any visited styling applied to that particular link, only for the Hover at the moment, the little blue dot indicates if some override styling is applied to the particular state.

To change the style for the Visited state, select Visited from the dropdown menu and then style as you wish :slight_smile:

Shared with CloudApp

Was there a specific link that was not visited and could you also help to share the published url in order to view the behavior of the link?

Here is a good article from the Webflow University on styling different states: States | Webflow University