How to create duplicate of component?

Hi everyone,

I’m really new to Webflow and haven’t figured out how to duplicate a component. What I want to achieve is quite simple, I want to duplicate the Navbar from my theme to customize it without losing the original one. Is that something doable? I can’t find much about it…

Thanks for the help in advance!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hi @spams yes it is possible. You can copy paste your component and unlink it from original. Once you are done with customization you can create a brand new component from it.

You can find all information how to work with this platform in WFU


Hi @Stan,
that’s perfect, thanks a lot for the help! :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:

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hi @spams if you do not have further questions related to your issue feel free to close your request as solved :wink: