How to Choose CMS Photo to lead to the correct page?

Hi there,

I know I asked this many times a week back but I haven’t received any response and really need help from someone who knows more than me.

I have created a CMS gallery which is fine, but on every CMS page, it shows the same images from the collection and I can’t find a way to match up for different pages.

As you can see from the photos to different pages but the same collection. I need the pages to match with the correct matches.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi, can you share your read-only link?

I sure can.

Thanks Vincent.

I sure can.

Thanks Vincent.

@Grant1 is this the same question you posted a couple of days ago? I was looking at that topic and noticed this one as well. I’ll go ahead and close that one for now, we don’t want to have two of us helping you out in two different threads :slight_smile:.