How to add JavaScript to every page


This must exist but I couldn’t find it in Google search. Is there a place where we can enter javascript (for Google Analytics) that will be inserted into every page? Of any kind (static, CMS, etc.)?

thanks - dave

Project settings allow you to enable GA for example. If you want to add custom code to all pages, then you can do that from settings as well.

Where/how do I get to project settings? I went in again just now and can’t find anything like that (I looked earlier too).

There’s a gear that goes to “settings” but the only thing there is options for search.

thanks - dave

Watch this video.

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Or copy paste GA code before head (A cleaner approach)

-Or- use webflow build-in feild for GA id

Do not use both (do not copy GA script before head+ fill up the field under integrations)

Key point (which is why I was asking) - you don’t get to this in the designer, you get to this by clicking on the thumbnail.