How to add checkboxes for variants and form elements on products for checkout?

Hey there! So I have been trying to build a site for a client, but have been running into issues. My client runs a floral studio (selling plants, associated products, and services). As part of her product page, she wanted the options to appear as checkboxes (dropdowns seem to be the only option). Also how to include a form for product notes.

Can anyone tell me a way to get either checkboxs instead of the dropdown for product variations or how to include a form input in a product purchase for an item?

Delivery date/ type is also included in the page and I’m uncertain how to include them, but I’m not sure they need to be since it would be set more at checkout.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

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any ideas out there on how to get either checkboxes instead of the dropdowns for product variations or how to include a form input in a product purchase of an item?

Hi Maydris, did you ever figure this out? I would like to use this feature on my site too :slight_smile:

@Dan_K No I didn’t…sort of.

My client ended up being fine with drop downs and we ended up swapping to another platform (Shopify) and converted from Webflow using Udesly. Theoretically it might be possible through the conversion in another platform.

However, while I don’t think they’ve added support for checkboxes, I think under the gearbox for the element variants you can change it to be a selection box now that can be styled.

You can potentially build a checkbox interaction inside that corresponds with your selection in theory :thinking:, but the actual checkbox element probably won’t work inside webflow.

Moreover my client ended up choosing another platform because of how ridged the options were for setting up form elements to correspond with product purchases. (Like adding a note)