How to add a visited state for CMS Link

Hi everyone,

I have a CMS category link collection in a fixed left-side menu bar, and I would like to add a visited state to a link once a user clicks on one of the category links. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance:)

Here is my public share link: Webflow - Datastory

Click a link on the menu, I’d pick one that is not Current state. Then change the state to visited and style as you wish.

Remember visited state is a browser-tracked state, so it’s up to the browser and what it has in its cache, as to what it considere “visisted.”

Hi @memetican Thanks for your answer and annotations. I added a visited state to the “active class” link and changed the text color to purple, but it’s still not working. Am I missing something?

I was able to locate your published staging page here-
b Transform Geographic Data with Datastory Maps

You have it set to charcoal ( #333 ).

Which is working fine;

However, your text within the visited link is also colored black, which means you’re not inheriting the purple color. You don’t want to color those text links themselves.

I really appreciate your help @memetican but I changed the “link-category” to inherit and it’s is still not working.

Not sure why but it looks like you’ve removed the visited state- I thought the point was to create a different color for visited items?

Yes sorry i was testing, visited state is added again to active-class and the link have the purple visited color but for some reason the link-category in not inheriting the color

Looks fine-
I’m seeing purple on the browser visited links.

I’m on Chrome, I’d expect the same behavior on Safari but you may need to research.

I will do that thank’s again for the help :)