Change a:visited links color / not working [ Custom code route ]

Hi, trying to get rid of the visited hyperlink color blue #dreadedPirateRobertsBlue ;(

I tried everything @vincent mentioned here > How to change color of visited links - #2 by vincent

I’ve attached screenshots of pretty much all content areas where the edits should happen

In my example, from a drop down menu list, the Visited link which is blue is what I’m trying to change to black [ client doesn’t want it and we do what the client wants…lol ]

Capacity Building Fund is shown in blue
Class for all these styled links = nav_DropDown_style

Code I’m pasting is

a:nav_DropDown_style:visited { color: #000000; }

any help would be appreciated :wink:

SNAGit-0229 8-22-2017

@LvnLife did the code not work on the published site? Custom code will only work on a published site and not on the site preview.

Yes, I published it and cleared my cache! @vincent any chance you can shed some 0:30 second light on what could be the issue? thxs

Here’s a published link >

Try this:

Remove every CAPITAL letter in class names and replace spaces with “-”

I tried this @bbrazis and still no Joy;(

a:nav-dropdown-style:visited { color: #000000; }

and Published it

This is invalid.

a.nav-dropdown-style:visited {
    color: black;
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super, thanks @samliew - unfort’ it took away the on.Rollover code I had for it I set-up in the Editor.

So trying this and it doesn’t seem to be working ;(

a.nav-dropdown-style:visited {
    color: black;
a:hover {
    color: #b11e28;

any idea what I’m doing wrong / syntax ?

a.nav-dropdown-style:visited {
    color: black;
a.nav-dropdown-style:hover {
    color: #b11e28;
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You the man Sam [ but you already know this :] thanks for the help #goodEnergy

Now, you can style the text color, background color, and border color of visited links without custom code by choosing the visited state from the States menu.