How do I get the dates on my blog to match up with the published date

Hi, I have a blog on the website We publish new blogs and the date the blog is published is shared at the top of each blog post. For example, November 9 on this post: Navigating the Offer: A Guide to Smart Negotiation

However, if I make any edits to the blog after it’s been published, the date when the edits were made shows up on the categories page before you click into the blog itself. For example, this blog:, was published on May 2, 2022 (which you can see when you click “continue reading”) but since it was edited - the date on the page you see before you click into the article is the date it was edited, which was Aug 18, 2023.

How do I get the dates across the whole site to reflect the date when the blog was published originally, not edited? When I hover over where it says the date on each category, I just get directed to the CMS. I want all the dates to be consistent though. Can someone help?

Here is my public share link: Webflow - Recruiting From Scratch Website

Hi Julia, you can’t.
You need to create your own date field and use that instead.