Hover interaction not degrading to touch on mobile


I think hover interactions are not degrading to touch on mobile correctly. Take the card-flip interaction, for example. With a first tap the card should flip, and with a second tap it should flip back, but it’s not doing the second step. The same with submenus activated on hover with the default option, they are not closing back, either with a tap on the menu, or anywhere else. I’m getting this with other hover interactions I have.

Hi @davidvm, thanks for reporting this, could you help to provide more information, what kind of mobile you are using, what operating system, and what browser?

Can you please share your public share link with us. It would help in diagnosing your problem. Thanks! :wink::grinning::blush::+1:

Thanks @cyberdave, this happens both on iPad and iPhone, on Chrome and Safari.

@VladimirVitaliyevich, this happens with all hover interactions, just check the card-flip link above, for example.

So from what I understand is that this is not only a problem on your website but all the websites [including Webflow’s] the 3D effects aren’t working? Please correct me if I am wrong. :wink::blush::+1:

Hi @davidvm thanks for bringing this to our attention! Hover “states” appear to work as expected, however, you’re right - hover “interactions” stop working after first touch.

I’ve reached out to our engineering team and we’re working on a fix now. Hoping to have a resolution soon - as soon as I know more, I’ll post updates.

In the meantime, please keep an eye out for any other strange behavior - thanks again!

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Great, thanks @thewonglv!

Hey @thewonglv, any updates on this?

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