Help implementing Klaviyo

I am implementing Klaviyo’s tracking on my site, following these instructions. I have a few questions about the instructions provided and would really appreciate the help. Keep in mind I know very little about code, but learning and can grasp with a little explanation. I would also be willing to pay someone to do this for me as long as they also explain to me what they did so I can learn. Thanks!

  1. Added to cart: where do I add the code they say to insert? My cart is not its own page. Where do I embed this code so that it triggers an add to cart?

Also, for lines like $value and added item quantity, what code do I put it on the right side of the code so that it knows the correct info. I understand variable tags and pulling lines from my CMS, but don’t know how to pull the correct quantity, total cart price, etc

  1. Started Checkout: The instructions state: " The $event_id should be a unique identifier for the cart combined with the UNIX formatted time when the event was triggered." Where do I find this event_id

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Find a solution to this? I’m having the same issues integrating Klaviyo.

I was able to figure out view product and initiate checkout, that’s about it. My ultimate solution was switching to Shopify! (hint hint, Webflow…get this integration!)

Let me know if you need help with these or where you’re stuck and I can try to help out

im stuck in the same boat. I was able to do the easy stuff but nothing else.

Reach out to this guy He had an idea of how to fix it. I just never followed up once I decided to make the Shopify switch. Good luck!

Thanks for the connection!

Hello @Turnt!

Just came across this thread as my organization is now attempting to integrate Klaviyo.

Would you happen to remember what code you used for “View product” and “initiate checkout”?

This is currently what we have for View Product: