I am integrating custom code to track when someone click add to cart. The code looks like this…
_learnq.push(["track", "Added to Cart", { What is Webflow's value for add to cart? PS I don't know coding so forgive my wording. But just wondering what to put in so Webflow knows this is when someone clicks add to cart. ``` ---------- Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/turnt-watches?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=turnt-watches&preview=2d8cd53e66cd6721109fb8b19d90a949&pageId=5e5efb13679621a0d901e641&itemId=5f21e10c2d398ee5a9704d34&mode=preview
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