Popup Text Layering Issue


Here’s the page with the issue: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/allvoices-draft-30c563468eab41b341dd2fd?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=allvoices-draft-30c563468eab41b341dd2fd&preview=b26cd779dd21468525619a1185668d1b&pageId=60cbb8dfd58e9a11e441f5fd&workflow=preview

If you scroll down on the mobile version of the page and click/hover on the question mark under “Administrator Seats”, the popup cuts off, but the popup under the next row doesn’t have that issue. I tried playing around with the z-index and the issue is still happening. How can I fix this?

Thank you

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

hi @Remi_Silva issue is related to your overflow:hidden

the easiest way to fix is to adjust padding-top for tabs-content on mobile viewport or set reset overview if you will be fine with tooltip covering buttons above. Your call :wink:

Perfect! That worked. Thank you Stan.

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