Hamburger menu not working on Safari (MacOSX)

The hamburger menu on a site I’m working on works as expected in Chrome and Firefox on MacOSX but not in Safari. Cursor changes on hover but clicking the menu icon does nothing.

This is the site url:

…and this is the share link:

Has anyone encountered this issue?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Websites having issues with some interactions not firing in older browsers/devices

Hi @spincinconi, what version of Safari are you using? I am on Safari Version 10.0.3 and I am able to open the menu:

Thanks in advance!

Thanks, @Azfar_Chattha, will do.

Hi @cyberdave – thanks for your reply and glad everything seems to be working well on Safari 10.0.3. I tested the site on version 9.1.3.

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