Grid auto-fit enable problem

Hello :slight_smile:

I am new to Webflow and I am confused by the auto-fit?

I have removed all but one row and one column, set a min and max sizing of the column and row and enabled auto fit but it doesnt shrink to the size of the content?

Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 5.34.11 PM

I don’t understand (in general) how to get an container to set to the size of the content?

Any help is appreciated!! :frowning:

Warm regards,

The only thing I can do to get the grid box size to move is to change it to % as below:

Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 6.34.11 PM

Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 6.34.15 PM

But really I don’t know what I am doing here with 1% and 15%.