More accurately…sombrero-sized hats-off!
I joined your wonderful community very recently and dove-in right away like a web efficiency-deprived designer. I have been using for the last 4 years one of your competitor’s services (debatable if there is any real competition though!) until their product became painfully problematic, unreliable beyond words, jeopardizing my projects and relations with clients.
I am in the process of migrating to Weblfow and currently redesigning from scratch some of my already published projects.
I feel astounded, not only with the INCREDIBLE options you offer, but with the level of commitment and professionalism as well.
As I kept discovering what the possibilities are, I almost wanted to scream…
Loads of positive energy to the entire Webflow team, you are doing a magnificent job and the vibe here is suave!
P.S. After 2 weeks of ultra-smooth designing experience I did encounter a little …nerve-breaking “while scrolling in view” challenge across breakpoints, but that is going to be the topic of a new post.