Google Maps Javascript Error

Hey everybody! My name is Lee, I’m new here. Totally loving Webflow! Been using it for a few days now. I was just trying out the Google Maps widget on the Contact page of a modified Velocity template, and I generated an API key over at Google, came back, pasted it into my project, published the site, refreshed the page, and the map never loaded, and I got these console errors, copied below.

Here’s my read-only link:

map.js:18 Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Zy (map.js:18)
at Yy._.m.zoom_changed (map.js:41)
at Uc (js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&callback=_wf_maps_loaded&key=AIzaSyAhN8Vh-IO94iiyNNyYiGKAVN_eMDheQ3A&_=1515120000147:53)
at Yy._.m.set (js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&callback=_wf_maps_loaded&key=AIzaSyAhN8Vh-IO94iiyNNyYiGKAVN_eMDheQ3A&_=1515120000147:124)
at Zy (map.js:18)
at Yy._.m.zoom_changed (map.js:41)
at Uc (js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&callback=_wf_maps_loaded&key=AIzaSyAhN8Vh-IO94iiyNNyYiGKAVN_eMDheQ3A&_=1515120000147:53)
at Yy._.m.set (js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&callback=_wf_maps_loaded&key=AIzaSyAhN8Vh-IO94iiyNNyYiGKAVN_eMDheQ3A&_=1515120000147:124)
at Zy (map.js:18)
at Yy._.m.zoom_changed (map.js:41)

(Copied from my console log)

Can anyone help me with this?

Hi there,


Can you pleaase help to share the published site link?

Thanks, figured it out! I just deleted the map widget and then dropped a
new one in its place and then it worked lol, I should have tried that
first! Is there a way to mark these forum posts as answered?

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