Map not loading

Hi there. I’m having trouble getting a map to load for a client. I told the client to follow the directions on Map | Webflow University, and they gave me this API key, which I’ve added to Integrations: AIzaSyCMAzDfSkKoH3QyCMscRPAT6LznPGilqUA

Also tried this key: AIzaSyD_IYsgJKDTXTLgukzZCLNGjg2FI9GSSeU

They also gave me a link to the address, which I’ve plugged into the map setting:

Here is the project link:

Right now just getting the error “Oops! Something went wrong.
This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.”

Any help here is greatly appreciated!

Your site is too large. I can’t seem to open it, and the loading spinner just stays there.

Hi @Aliceb, I had the same experience yesterday. In my case, I figured out that my Webflow Map widget started to work after I set the Google API key restrictions to None. When I set it to HTTP referrers and specified the published Webflow project’s site, it did not work properly, even though I verified the URL in Google.

Perhaps you may check that…

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