"Get text from Option" not showing up: Newbie Question

Hello All,
I’m extremely new, to Webflow and am I am trying to link the CSV file data to the heading elements by following the Webflow University 21 day Build a Portfolio Website course. In day 3 when dealing with CMS I was able to replicate the site until it mentioned the “Get text from” box by clicking on the cog. This option doesn’t appear in my popup. (Day 3 Video at 10:25)

A screenshot:

Here is my public share link: Webflow - testa

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Conrad

Your doing just fine dont worry. :slight_smile:
Make sure, that if you select the element to switch to the settings tab on the right side. (on top next to Style) there you can pick the reference. Alternatively you should be able to set everything by clicking on the little gear icon when hovering over the element.

Let me know if that helped :slight_smile:

Hello Dani,

Thanks for the quick reply. It is appreciated.
I am still not doing something right because even going to the setting tab on the right, there is still no “Get Text from Projects” option.
“Get Text color from Projects” etc. is there though.
Also, Clicking on the little gear icon brings up a popup but it too does not have the “Get Text from Projects” option either.
There is just Heading size buttons, Text type field and a Show All settings button.

Another screenshot:

Though nothing has changed here is my public share link again: Webflow - testa

Again thanks for the help.

Hi Conrad, it’s a new UI adjustment, but that little purple dot is what you want to click.
In Webflow purple indicates CMS and data-binding features.


You deserve a cookie


And this is the answer. Thank you very much for ending my frustration. (at least temporarily. :wink:
I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
Stay safe and enjoy!

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So funny how I was typing this same question and your answer popped up. Thanks for your help! Muito obrigada ;)

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