In late November we advised a new client that Webflow would be a great platform for their site.
One of the site requirements is to have a “gated content” area exclusively for this non-profit’s board members to access documents and content.
Now it appears the Webflow feature “User Accounts” is EOL?
Can anyone tell us how gated content will be supported going forward, and what the potential additional costs will be so this client can plan accordingly?
Hello @chronosinteractive, welcome to the community!
Yeah so Webflow is sunsetting user accounts. There are two main options for memberships and gated content to use with Webflow, and the two options are far greater than what the native Webflow option was. The two options are Outseta and Memberstack They both have a similar starting price at around 30$/month. I hope this helps!
Welcome to the community!!
Here’s a video showing how to gate content with Webflow & Memberstack, hope it helps :)
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