Gallery Back & next

Image gallery: I want to create a simple ‘Back’ ‘next’ Link.
Back is easy… Back to the page before, but Next to view the next image in the gallery is where I need advice. Please.


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Hey @coolnige

Can you share your read-only link?

Piter :webflow_heart:

Hey Piter,

I gather you are from somewhere up the top of the planet…

Anyway thanks for your interest…

Once a viewer sees the gallery of projects and clicks on one to to see more detail, they have an option to click next to see another project.

Back is easy to return they to the gallery, but with the next option I want them to view another gallery page, and so on and so on.

A summary of the site.
Client currently has a terrible site. With this effort I wish them to work on obtaining better project images… really just to show they do contemporary project work.


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Hello Nigel! Check out the following link

One way to do back/next buttons is by using reference field. You need two fields for back and next. In your case the fields will be back and next

The reference fields need to be connected to the same cms collection. In your case the collection is PROJECT GALLERIES

Next thing is to add two link blocks for the back and next


You need to manually connect the previous and next page

Send me a DM if you need help :webflow_heart:

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Jeandcc Thanks for your pointer. I also found ‘previous and next post with titles using CMS’ and it looks the way to go.

You will see PiterDimitrov has helped me with a simple (but manual) ‘Back’ ‘Next’ which works well for now – until the galleries grow.

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Thank you. I have implemented and is working

The wish list goes on…
My ‘Project_galleries’ CMS has the basis of 8 Items.
Within these are ‘Gallery Groups’

Q: Is there a way to jump to a ‘Gallery group’ ?

I made a sticky menu to the side of the gallery with Links to “Gallery Group”