Hi @Khalilwebdesign I have tested live page on my iPhone with latest iOS in Safari, Brave, Firefox and Chrome and in all browsers are placeholders displayed as they should.So no issue on my side.
PS: best practice is to post in request live page link so people who would like to help do not have to rip off live page from read-only link. As there is no register link (only login) on homepage your link should include exact page where problems occurs. Something like this: https://jokan-studio-1.webflow.io/register
When posting please:
Share your project’s Read-Only link AND live site’s Published link
The published link is the <your-site>.webflow.io subdomain where you can view the live site with custom code running. It is important to share this link, as custom code does not run in the Designer.
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It so weird - maybe people dont have the last updates ? I tried on BrowserStack and it shows me the same issue on the screenshot above, and some people have the same issue on their iPhone.
I feel a little better about you are not experiencing issues but what for other people : /
PS: I updated the post with a live link to the right page
hi @Khalilwebdesign while BrowserStack can be helpful and most accurate from all emulators it is still just emulator. You can the true behaviour only on real devices.
in this case try use your favourite search engine if there will be some article or mention that may narrow down where issue can be as this issue isn’t related to Webflow it self.
form placeholder issue
form placeholder not display on mobile
form placeholder mobile
form placeholder ios