Form: Change Font Colour


I’m looking to change the font colour inside the form areas. It’s default is black but there isn’t a native option in WF to change it. I’ve read somewhere that you need custom code for the Inside tag. But I have zero clue on custom code.

How can I go about this? Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Bare Essentials

Hi @DroneMotionUK!

You shouldn’t need custom code to change the text color inside of form fields. You can set the text color just like you would for any other element by selecting the form field, adding a class, and applying a text color.

If you want to style the placeholder text, you can select Placeholder from the options beside the class name:

Let me know if that’s still not helping you achieve what you’d like. I’d be happy to help further!


Hello! Thank you.

So the only part I can change the colour of is still just the placeholder text, I’m looking to change the text where customers right.

Select a text field and change text colour to whatever you want. That’s it.

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Thanks I got it working in the end.

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Nope. See correct solution above

I’ve been looking for what I’d done wrong since I could not change the color of my ‘‘secondary heading’’ class and you just nailed it. Thank you so much!

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