Please help me with something. I’m trying to change the color of my textfield in webflow, is there code I can embed or a way I can do so in webflow? I have attached some screenshots of my problem please see attached.
Thanks in advance.
Please help me with something. I’m trying to change the color of my textfield in webflow, is there code I can embed or a way I can do so in webflow? I have attached some screenshots of my problem please see attached.
Thanks in advance.
Hi there,
Placeholder text is styled by the browser.
The code of an input is approximately that:
<form id="first-form">
<input id="email-form" placeholder="Enter your name" maxlength="256">
You can reach the placeholder text and style it using a pseudo-class :placeholder
. So like this:
In order to constraint the changes to the specific element, you can set it like this:
form#email-form input:placeholder
So final code can be something like this:
form#email-form input:placeholder { color:red; font-weight:700; }
And you put that in the section of the custom code tab of your sites’ settings. (or at page level) (Of course you change email-form
to the ID you gave to the form, or only use form input:placeholder
to impact all forms on the site.)
Hi @vincent
Thanks a lot for your help. I found a way to change the colour, not for the whole site but for selected pages.
I placed a component >embed then I added this code inside
.w-input::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */
color: #ffffff;
.w-input:-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */
color: #ffffff;
opacity: 1;
.w-input::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */
color: #ffffff;
opacity: 1;
.w-input:-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */
color: #ffffff;
Appreciate your help!
Thanks @starlord, this saved my day. Hero!