Fonts don't render properly in other languages although they are supported in that language

I recently prepared this website
It’s based on one of templates.
Problem I have is that polish letters such as “ś” or “ż” display in different font although Lato does have polish language letters. What might be the problem and how to fix it?


I have the same problem though with Cyrallic supported fonts. I have used two Cyrallic supported fonts Comfortaa and Playfair Display and both have a letter or two that is not supported. Is there a solution to this or is this an error on Google’s side? :wink:

Hi @Mati_Skisthelimit and @VladimirVitaliyevich, could you confirm the browser that is being used and what operating system?

Thanks in advance!

Hi. The problem appears on all mobile devices I tested (windows/andy/apple). Also Safari on my desktop has that problem.

Hi @Mati_Skisthelimit, thanks a lot for the info. I am investigating this behavior, as soon as I have more info, I will inform here on the post. Thanks for your help.

Ok great thanks a lot. Client is busting my ballz so I’d appreciate any solutions that keep me sleep at night :slight_smile: Cheers!
PS: Webflow rocks!

@cyberdave Vivaldi recent updated… iMac 4K all recent upgraded on all programs. :+1:

Hi there @cyberdave. Any news here? Really urgent.

Hi @Mati_Skisthelimit, thanks for the poke… I am bumping this to priority and will respond asap.

Ok @cyberdave, greatly appreciated. Thanks! Waiting with fingers crossed.

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Hi @Mati_Skisthelimit, I promise to let you know asap !

@cyberdave bump! any news? Let me know if you cannot help so I will just change font or maybe implement custom one. Can I override built-in Open Sans with my own?

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