Fix Cover Picture for Website when sharing

I am trying to fix the photo that pops up when sharing the website with someone else, I have followed what I thought I did right but it still says “template” I uploaded the screenshot of the cover photo I wanted and made it a new tab URL and pasted it into the right spot but nothing is working. Can someone help me resolve this?

Screen Shot 2021-08-13 at 5.18.18 PM

Is the site hosted anywhere?

No, it is not @Jake_Arredondo

Hey @Savannah1 , This is what I would recommend.

  1. Upload the OG image you want to Webflow Assets
  2. Go to the asset image and click on the wrench icon and copy it’s asset URL
  3. Once copied, go back to your Page Settings > OG section and paste that link.

It should work then!

Bear in mind, it takes a while for the OG update to take effect. If you have shared the link before, most likely the cache would showcase the old one. To test this method has worked 100%, I would try using a new device altogether and share the link there.