Finsweet CMS range slider - from and to not working

Hello everyone!

I am trying to make simple two handle range slider to filter items by price range. I made everything and it is partially working but not as expected…
CMS is filtering by price, but price is in different number filed because of CMS sorting. When I set slider, for example, from 100 000 it is listing items starting with 100 000, then 1 000 000, etc…it is not listing anything in between. Same thing is with another side of handle.

Please, can anybody help me to set this correctly because everything else in filtering and sorting working as expected? I am starting to pull my hair off because of this…
Thank you!

Here is my public share link: [LINK][1] Webflow - LuxEstates Main
([how to access public share link][2])

Nekretnine - LuxEstates Montenegro