Facing some issues regarding google indexing

How can I resolve the issue of certain website landing pages not being indexed for 2 to 3 months despite efforts such as utilizing Search Console API keys and acquiring good backlinks? While my backlinks are indexed, the specific internet links to my website pages are not being indexed nor crawled. What steps can I take to address this issue effectively?

Here is my site Read-Only: http://citylocal101.com/

Some examples for not indexed pages
[1]: https://citylocal101.com/cl07279-water-damage-restoration-wayne-pa
[2]: https://citylocal101.com/cl07279-water-damage-restoration-bryn-mawr-pa

Google algorithms are intelligent about understanding SEO SAP models. Dead giveaways include duplicate image use, structures, and content themes. Always ask the question, “How does this help users”?

Remember that it is about them, not you. Pages that benefit visitors get links and social engagement and tend to be indexed and rank.

This forum is focused on Webflow projects and SEO, not other solutions. So we will keep it at that.