Export blog collection and integrate with website exported

I have a webflow website that has PAGES and COLLECTIONS (blog)

When I export this website and its collection there is no way to put it together to have a fully functional website with its BLOG as in the webflow hosting

Anyone. has a clue of how to export the ENTIRE static site so it works with its BLOG ??

The point is that I want to have a ESTATIC SITE out of the WEBFLOW website, but I CANNOT as the BLOG COLLECTION OF pages do not integrate with the exported website.


Hey @bbgrey, what you are looking for is not supported by Webflow now. If you want to use the Collections on Webflow site, subscribe to the plan. If you want to export static sites and still have an easily update-able blog for free, look into integrating with Webflow API(still have to pay), Firebase(free) or Airtable API(free).

Hi there & thanks for. your reply,

I have the bussiness plan with you. I can do collections and so on.

What I am saying, is how to export the website with the collection integrated into it, to be able to browse through the blog posts

What is the point of exporting capability without the collection feature, at least you could export the pages created by the collections ???

Why dont you allow exporting each collection item as a separate page so then it could be called from the static page which contains the buttons or links to call each of those pages ??


You can use wget to crawl and download all the pages to your local hard drive, the simply upload the results to a web server.


Hey @bbgrey, I’m not affiliated with Webflow and I am not speaking on behalf of them. Just offering some information that I know.

One of the use cases of the Code export is exactly this. If you don’t want to pay extra for the CMS or want to use other CMS and be able to build in Webflow.

There are other use cases of the code export such as prototyping and one-off landing pages.

You can export the collection into CSV and upload it to a custom CMS too.

Hi webdev,

Thanks for your continuing support.

Ok, weget is getting me the page with SOME WEBFLOW HIDDEN CONTENT AND A BUTTON that links to some marketing global stuff, which is not GOOD, as I paid for non marketing blueprints, and it is OFF in the GENERAL settings.

Anyway, besides that, YES it is a solution I can convert to html and link it to a button in the blogs page.

Its a bit manual, well actually very manual, but it is a possible solution for BLOGS or COLLECTIONS, which have less than a few pages.

Thanks anyway

Hi there,

great branch to the issue!

ok, so how could. you do that.

The main reason so we do not lose the point, is that I will KEEP USING webflow and pay for their GREAT SERVICE, but, At some point I need to generate STATIC ONLY WEBSITES, that hardly get modified from CMS

In this case scenario, and considering that. I got a paid plan thinking that WEBFLOW was the tool, Now I cannot do this process AUTOMATICALLY and will have to spend HOURS in RE-ASSEMBLING all the projects.

So I would like to hear more from you, but just think that for THE MAJOR PART OF THE CREATING PROCESSES I want to keep using WEBFLOW.


Just wanted to share a response from the WEBFLOW TEAM, and it is awesome.

Yes, there are ways to go around this issue of completely creating a standalone copy of the webflow websites;

here it goes;
Hello there,

My name is David, thanks for contacting the Webflow Customer Support Team.

I am happy to help here. Code export is the HTML files, CSS files and JS files, as well as assets (Code export | Webflow University).

They are static files, so there is no CMS capability built into the files at all. To use this on another platform would require to export the files and then use any CMS collection template files as a starting point to construct CMS templated pages on another platform.

To recreate the blog posts (CMS items) you would need to use a code editor and create each blog page, using the exported page template as the starting point and then copy pasting in the fields from your CSV export.

We are unable to advise on the processes for using exported code, but you could also do further research on the Webflow forums to see how other users may be working with this - Search results for 'code export' - Forum | Webflow.

Another idea could be to use Webflow to design the website and then use a converter such as the Udesly adapter, a third party service that can integrate with Webflow projects - https://www.udesly.com/udesly-adapter-overview/.

Hope this helps for you to get further into researching how you can work with Webflow. Also for our code exporting information please see:

Otherwise the other option could be to not use CMS in the Webflow project but rather to build blog pages as static pages, so that you can then just export as static pages.

Please do not hesitate to reach out again with any questions.
