Elements missing on code export

Maybe someone can help. I’ve built a really small holding page that only has 4 elements on it and a really nice piece of js interaction (the code for which is quite lengthy). If I hit publish in webflow, the temporary site looks great and behaves exactly as I wish across browsers. However, something strange happens when I export the code and upload to my hosting (not Webflow) – the page elements disappear! the .js works flawlessly, but the logo, text and email link are all gone. I tried playing with the z index but to no avail.

Normally I’d expect the .js to break, not everything else. has anyone else experienced anything similar?

This is the webflow published site

and this is it after uploading to host server

Ignore the colour changing background

Here’s the public site if anyone can help:

Hey Ben your exported site is working fine for me ( Chrome / win )

ah – that’s a slightly older version. I’m not entirely sure why that is showing on the webflow based URL. time to propergate maybe? although seems unlikely

Got it, you’d need to share a link to the exported version in order to do any kind of debugging. Most likely everything is there, but a server configuration issue is causing issues with access to css / js / assets.

Thanks Michael, I’ve temporarliy installed the buggy version on the server for viewing with developer tools: https://add-salt.com

does that help?

Hey Ben, was about to post something similarly with an issue with my site and code export. Mine has to do with .json / lottie animations not loading on my code export.

I tested your site (add-salt.com) and the webflow staged site and they both appear to be the same, so looks like you got it working? Would be curious of your solution or fix!

Thanks (btw love the subtle salt animation, very tasteful!)

Thanks Ben,

It looks functional to both Niro and myself-
Best guess would be your browser or router cache?
It looks great-