I am building an ecommerce page for a fundraiser, and each item is named by number. I am using the CSV upload because the sale will be at least 1500 items. Right now I am using a sample collection of 100 items from a previous sale.
I need to sort the items numerically but finding it virtually impossible. I cannot implement my own fields into the CSV upload, and I tried using the “weight” field which works as a numerical field but webflow will not allow me to sort the items by this field. Alphabetical sorting looks like “1, 10, 100…”.
I tried using finsweets CMS sorting (which is on this page) but it doesn’t seem to working? Does anyone have any experience with this or have a script that could help with this issue? I asked GPT to write a JavaScript to sort by the weight category but I haven’t tried implementing it because I have a hard time ever getting GPT’s scripts to run on Webflow.
Please help. <3
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