"Ecommerce Products should not be updated with Variant fields"

I haven’t used the admin for a few months, and I have an error not allowing me to edit the product template.
I opened the product template, added another switch and tried to save, but I’m getting an error saying “Ecommerce Products should not be updated with Variant fields”.
I then started over, and literally just try to save without changing anything but I’m getting the same error.

I added a couple of screenshots of the error and all the fields I’m using, and there seems to be no variant field?

Thank you!


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(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, @John_T
Thanks for posting here in the forum.
We’ve identified the problem, and working to address it.
I’ll post back here when the fix is live.

Thanks for your patience.

Fabulous, thank you!

Hey @John_T

The fix for this is now live.
You may need to refresh your Designer to see the full effect of the fix.
Once that is done you should be able to save you Product Collection settings as normal.

Let me know if you’re still experiencing issues in saving those settings.

Ok! Checking now! That was FAAAAAAAST. :slight_smile: Thank you!

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Working GREAT! Yo the best Alex.


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