E-commerce dilemmas- should I go or should I

Understand for most here the preferred e commerce platform is Webflow but some current shortcomings (promo codes,discounts) makes me think about Gumroad, for example.
Also know is very evolving platform and will have all bells etc later but…

Can somebody convince me to go with Webflow and see what I am missing if go with other and embed in my Webflow site?

I have no idea that your functional requirements are. I normally start with that. If I have a requirement then it is easy to then rule something in or out. If something is a “nice to have” feature then you way the value of it. E-commerce is not just about design.

There are plenty of current products that can provide alternate functionality, that can easily be incorporated into webflow.

Take a look at the integrations page.

Thx, logical answer b/c I didn’t provide my reqs but partially I was not going to put Webflow e commerce down as incomplete platform. My reqs are around books and ebooks selling w/discount codes occasionally. Btw, perfectly happy user w/ CMS Webflow part.

Hi @IvanP.
Foxy can handle your needs very easily. Digital products, coupons/discounts, and more. Please feel to DM or email (hello@foxy.io). We’re more than happy to put together some demos for you, hop on Skype, etc. You can learn more about our seamless integration with Webflow here: Webflow | Foxy.io
