I have a Slider on a site that pulls in content dynamically from a collection. I have to bind each slide to the collection, and while I would love dynamic CMS components I understand they currently do not exist in Webflow CMS.
So, I am binding each slide to the collection but I want the entire Slider to display in random order. I tried doing this but all it did was pick a random item from the 5 available items for each slide, which winds up giving you duplicates on some slides. For example, you might get a list of slides that looks random but duplicate…
Slide 1 - Item #4
Slide 2 - Item #2
Slide 3 - Item #5
Slide 4 - Item #4
Slide 4 - Item #1
Item 3 from the filtered collection never showed in that example. Anyone know if there is a way to do this?
Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/plusen-designs-2017?preview=a086e2c967432d352b0aad2b515ae234