Dynamic/live search results

Hi everyone, I was wondering if there is a way to make search results start appearing while I type?
And the second question: is there a way to make search results appear in a div and not on a separate page?


If you are limiting your search to CMS-stored data, you can use a collection list with Finsweet CMS load and CMS filter to achieve this.

You can see a simple example here, in the “Teach me about” filter type a, then b, you’ll see the results update in realtime.

Another approach is a predictive search from videsigns, which is similar but with a more autocomplete style UX.

If you’re trying to do this for a site-wide search, you may want to look at a 3rd party search solution.

Webflow’s Site Search doesn’t offer this, but in theory, you could write JS that treats the /search page as a datasource, fetches the data and then displays it like the predictive search.