Dynamic horizontal scroll ? Not scrolling


I am tryning to recreate this nice horizontal scroll.

However, it’s not scrolling automatically as I MUST select the scrollbar to scroll the entire module. My goal would be to not have any scrollbar and just scroll the module by wheel scrolling or touch drag…

Here is a quick screen recording of my issue.

Here is my read-only link for you to have a look at if you want.

Your help is much appreciated, I’ve looked into old post but couldn’t find the solution :frowning:


Hey @anthonysalamin you can check out one of many tutorials available online, for example:

Let me know if you need any further help with this but they cover most of the things you need.

Thank you @marko-ninja , yes i had seen that video which is helpful.

however they do not take into account the fact that some of the images might not always be 100vw, also the setup is static and not CMS driven. How to set the vw height of the scroll when we don’t know how many items need to be scrolled.

I think i need to explore javascript driven solution to calculate things dynamically.

@anthonysalamin This custom scroll may help you. Demo Link

Hello @anthonysalamin, doing horizontal scrolling with CMS items is not possible natively in Webflow following the example from Webflow University, because there is no way to calculate for the height of the parent element or the width of the dynamic container. Luckily for us Timothy Ricks has solved this using GSAP, follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp-syT1gp9U and you should be able to accomplish horizontal scrolling with dynamic content. I hope this helps!