Duplicated page and published, but not showing

This webpage was built for me, and I’ve since taken it over. It’s not as straightforward as I thought it would be (I’m incredibly familiar with WordPress).

I tried duplicating a nested page under a folder (dropdown on the nav menu). I named it and populated it with content. The page is live, BUT it doesn’t show under the dropdown.

Hopefully, the video below helps. The website is www.artisanalgold.org.

I took a screen recording of the backend, but I’m unsure how to post it here.

Read Only below.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

If it’s a static page, then you just need to add a menu item in your dropdown and link to it.

As a platform, Webflow is un-opinionated and makes very few assumptions about what you want to build or how it should work. The nav will never automatically add items, unless you design it that way by integrating a CMS collection list and CMS-driven content.

This is helpful, thank you. How do I go about doing this? The page is created, but I cannot seem to find where to add a menu item to the drop-down (I can’t even seem to find the menu builder or nav builder). I’m sorry if this seems elementary. I’m managing to limp my way through learning Webflow, but some of these are necessarily easy to find.

Heh heh when I said “un-opinionated” I meant that in the fullest sense.
There isn’t a menu builder- there is a nav component that most designers utilize and it’s usually at the top of the page, typically inside of a component ( these generally show as green in the nav ).

You’re approaching this cliff from the hardest possible angle- try simple things first. Webflow U has a ton of videos and courses on each of the parts you need to learn.

For someone new to WF, start at the beginning with the 101 even if you have years of web design, it will save you a ton of time. Then go to the courses specific to navs and components.