Drop Down Disappears when I hover over the Box

In desktop mode, every time I hover over an option (i.e. shirts) I try to hover over the drop down and it disappears… I have no idea why as it was working perfectly not too long ago. is this a bug or a setting issue?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hello @vinnie2727,

That is due to the fact that between the dropdown button on which you hover and the list there is a space. As soon as you hover your mouse over that space you lose hover status of the dropdown.

In order to fix that you should:

  1. Add bottom-padding for dropdown toggle (you can also either remove
    the 6px padding on right or add same on left to even the width)

  2. Go to Navigation Link –> dropdown-list-wrapper

  3. Set margin-top to 0px.

Let me know if that works for you :)

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Thank you so much for the detailed explanation! Worked perfectly! I modified slightly to keep the 1 pixel line visible.



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