Don't understand Password Protection for Freelancer Workspace

Hey Guys,

I just added the freelancer plan to my workspace, since I wanted to export the code of a project and give it a site password protection. This is stated in the pricing page, that site protection available for freelancers workspace, although I cannot add a password protection to any page. It still asks me to upgrade my plan.
Can someone please help me out?

Kind regards,

Password protection is available only if you host on Webflow, not when you export

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Thanks for the reply Pietro!

I want to export the code, publish it by myself but want to add password protection to a page. Do you have any suggestions regarding that?

Depends by your hosting

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Alright, Thanks!

But how can I use the password protection with freelancer plan? Can I host for my client on Webflow?

You have to buy a site plan not an account plan

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