Do not show as sold out until purchase is complete

I’m selling one-off products on my site. The issue is… as soon as a product is added to cart, it considers the product sold out since I have a quantity of “1”.

Problem is if they never buy, it will appear sold out to the next user. Also unsure if they close the browser window if it empties the cart if no purchase is made? Say they leave that browser window open for later purchase another user can’t purchase in the meantime.

Is there a way to not show sold out until the purchase is complete?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


Did you ever figure this out?

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Hi @khs123
I tested on my Webflow Ecommerce and added a test product with a quantity of 1, published the site and added to cart on the laptop then obviously when i try to add again it says that is not available and that’s normal.
Then i tried on my iPhone and it works fine i can buy it.

In summary, if the product is not purchased then it can be added to the cart by anyone and purchased.

@Dionisie - yeah, seems like the functionality is working ok, thanks