Do live websites need to have a CMS hosting subscription?


Do I need to buy your hosting with the CMS subscription for it to work on a live website??? The CMS doesn’t work if it’s exported so I conclude that I need the hosting to be able to publish the page on its own domain and be able to use CMS. Am I right??

One more question. The subscription for CMS is $10 for every site? Or is it for all sites in the dashboard?

thanks for the info.

The CMS works for free on Webflow sub-domains. If you want to use the CMS with a custom domain you will need to pay for the CMS hosting ($10)

The $10 dollar charge is per site.

Hope that clarifies.

P.s I updated the title of this thread from
CMS and Subscription Question


Do live websites need to have a CMS hosting subscription?

thanks for explaining that. Thank you very much!!!

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