Do I need to make a site plan for every client I have?


I know this topic has been discussed already and I have been reading through a lot of comments but didn’t find the answer yet.

The question that bugs me is, should I start building the website for my client in my workspace or in his? I would prefer to build it in my workspace and when it’s finish, transfer it to his. But since I can only have 2 pages for a free project this seems to be not an option as long as I don’t pay for a siteplan and once it’s transfered the client adds an other site plan on his own.
Am I getting something wrong?


Btw.: I’m not planning to host the sites of my clients in my workspace.

For your setup, you probably want a freelancer workspace for you, and a free workspace for your client.

You build the site completely in your workspace, demo it etc. No limit on pages etc, because your workspace is Freelander.

When it’s ready, you transfer it to your client’s workspace ( have them invite you as a workspace guest first ).

Then, you add a site plan to the site after it’s in your client’s workspace. Setup domains, do your redirects, configuration, all of that.

  • They’ll pay the hosting directly
  • They’ll have full access to the designer for their site
  • You’ll have full access to the designer for their site
  • You will never pay for a site plan for them- only for your own workspace plan
  • The client has no added workspace plan, since they’re not in the business of developing sites, they don’t need more than the one.

Ahhh now I get it. The problem was I was on a free plan as well. Now it makes sense. Thank’s for the help.

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