DNS Verification Error

I’m trying to point my Squarespace DNS to Webflow but keep getting the “Unable to verify domain - please check the value of your verification key or check whether the TXT record has propagated”

The records all appear to be entered correctly in Squarespace. Webflow shows that I am missing the records in my DNS Settings even though they aren’t.

Here is my site Read-Only:


Three possibilities I can think of;

  • Double check that the domain name you’re setting your DNS entries for is the same domain name you’re trying to add to WF. Look carefully for typos. I mention that possibility because the records your showing don’t resemble the records I’m seeing below.
  • If the domain matches, the DNS may be correctly set, but hasn’t propagated yet. you may need to wait 24-48 hours, but that’s unusual today.
  • You might be using different nameservers. Double check that the records your editing are actually in the nameserver you’re using.

You’ll need to check your registrar / DNS docs for more, but here’s what the Internet sees currently on that domain-