I have 7 images that I want to display in a single logical row. They are siblings and of equal importance. 7 does not divide into 12 which in my mind makes this an impossible fit for the “Columns” container. Does that make sense or am I wrong?
Currently I have displayed it as a 7 column Grid with 1 row. That works OK on desktop but I’d want to switch to 3 rows on Tablet. It tried to do that but I couldn’t get the rows to size properly.
I think I havee any issue with the “look container” link block not taking enough height
You could probably do this by using webflow’s CMS functionality and setting the collection list to a flex layout in desktop mode and grid layout for tablet and phone resolutions.
So would I convert the Grid to a Div Block so I can chanage it’s Display from Grid to “Flex box”?
I tried that and went into the Tablet breakpoint and swicthed to flexbox but I could not see how to define the column breakdown like you would when using “Columns”